Thursday, September 14, 2006

Brand New Blog

This is my first effort at blogging, so here goes. I Live in Dallas, Texas and am an avid cyclist. I have been riding on and off since the early 80's, however, i took a long hiatus for about 8 years while I partied, smoked and drank a lot.When I decided to get back into it, I looked into doing a ride that I had heard about many uears before and never had the time to train or fund raise. It was the local North Texas Chapter of the MS150. I pulled my old bike out of the garage and started riding again. When my oldest friend heard that I was going to ride, with only two months to train, he said "are you nuts?" Having been a volunteer with the HAM radio support team, he had seen riders in pain on their bikes and knowing that I was a smoker, just KNEW that I couldn't do it. Well, NEVER tell me I can't do something, because I will prove you wrong, or die trying.Well, to make a long story even longer...I did it. It was the toughest year on record going south to Waco in a 25-30 mph head wind with gusts even higher. I suffered through every mile and upon finishing, pitched my tent and sat down and had a smoke.That was 1997. Nine years later and 15 pounds heavier, I am still riding. Not as much as I would have liked to over the past 2 years, but I am back at it and trying to loose those extra punds. Over the past nine years I have ridden close to 10,000 miles on two bikes. My original, rescued from the garage '86 Centurion Ironman and my '98 Lemond Zurich.

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